To the entire Oppule community,
I want to update you on the steps and measures we are taking to overcome the evolving situation of COVID19. Our foremost priority is to ensure the health and safety of our employees, corporate partners and all stakeholders of the company across the globe. We understand the criticality of the situation as we have been working closely with the related authorities to make sure that we are taking all the measures and precautions accurately.
Our team is now working remotely and our corporate events have been suspended for the time being. I am proud to state that in these crucial times, Oppule has easily managed to bring adaptability and resilience to its systems where every person associated with the company has cooperated in the best ways.
Last week, I had a virtual meeting with the entire Oppule team across the globe and discussed the barriers we would possibly face and the ways we can fight the situation. It was overwhelming to witness that we can still work efficiently with all the geographical barriers and thus, I am sure we will make it through this pandemic.
As we face this global challenge, we hope to continue to be the beacon of optimism and unity. We're supporting each other in this time of need and it has become our mission now.
Oppule being a socially responsible entity is committing 50% Profit Sales for COVID-19 relief. These relief funds will provide financial grants through Oppule Emergency Assistance Program to Oppule resource facing special circumstances. Moreover, we are working on different ways to bring a positive change in the prevailing situation and will continue to contribute to the society whenever required.